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Geraldine Sherborne | Higher Self Guidance

About Geraldine Sherborne

I spontaneously began to channel my Higher Self in the late 1980s, after several years of daily meditation, inner work and healing.

Since then I have developed the ability to communicate with a range of high energies, including the Higher Selves of people who come to me for guidance.

I help people connect and become at one with our inner most being, that part of us that guides our life journeys and helps us awaken to our own spiritual paths.

When channelling, my Higher Self works with yours to step down its information to a frequency that my body can manifest as automatic writing.

Your Higher Self will usually come through to me after a deep meditation, during the early morning hours, when the energies in my rural Dorset home are at their most peaceful.


"Geraldine is one of the most respected healers and channellers in the  
south of England. Over many years, I have had the privilege of  
experiencing the wisdom of her channellings, which have expressed deep  
and valuable insights into how we can resolve our greatest challenges."

Gary Biltcliffe, healer, Earth Mysteries researcher and author

"Thank you so much for the beautiful reading! Inner joy really is the driving force of my life. This helped me remember my real roots and purpose. It made me very happy, and I'm sure it will every time I read it."

Tracey Kelly, singer and songwriter

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