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Higher Self Channelling

Here is what Geraldine's own Higher Self has to say about this process...

"This is channelling in its Highest form.  It facilitates access to the higher mental planes and makes it accessible to those ready to receive important messages by stepping down these energies in frequency according to the desire of the individual seeking a reading.

These are Soul Self connections done with great sincerity and awareness to help you to understand the deeper meaning of your life’s purpose which the soul sees as an innate sense of direction in life, and the way we choose to undertake the journey.  Purpose is more than a sense of direction for it includes how we “walk our talk” in life.  It embraces our sense of values, how we wish to engage with the world and what kind of world we wish to create.  Purpose is something that is chosen before this incarnation and is encoded in the heart.


The reading will connect you to your unique and specific purpose on your life path.  When purpose is present we feel the guiding touch of happiness and synchronicity in our lives. Not until you are aware of your own inner energies and take responsibility for them can you choose what energies you are directing as a force.


Learning how to increase your life-force by returning to inner balance while being exposed to many external forces beyond your control, is crucial during this time of world imbalance. The internal life force is the Nature of the Soul.  Realizing our wholeness whilst in a body is what you are here to do.  You are here to become your fullest Self whilst walking in incarnation.  The ways to get there are as varied and as unique as is each and every human being.


Contact with your Higher Self brings you an unfailing support system, there for you always and without doubt the best and most truthful friend you can ever have. I wish you many Light filled blessings for your chosen journey."

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